أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam


  أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam

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 أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam    أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam Empty2011-02-23, 18:11

exampl of the first english exam

section one : reading comprehension
read thr following conversation then do the activities
Mrs Rosetti : hello
Liza : hello , is that Mrs Rosetti ?
Mrs Rosetti : yes . that's right . can i help you ?
Liza : certainly . it's Liza , Helena's colleague . could i speak to Helena , please ?
Mrs Rosetti : i'm sorry . She is at the hairdresser's
Liza : oh , will she comeback before 6 p.m ?
Mrs Rosetti : i am afraid ; she won't . she is going to wait for her uncle at hearthrow airport . he is coming from spain
Liza : what about Ricardo ? can i speak to him , please ?
Mrs Rosetti : i'm terribly sorry . he is busy washing his father's car in the garage at the moment
Liza : well , could i leave a message please ?
Mrs Rosetti : yes , of course
Liza : would you please tell them that tomorrow night . i will organize my birthday . it will be at my grandparent's house
Mrs Rosetti : ok , i will tell them
Liza : thank you very much , Mrs Rosetti
Mrs Rosetti : not at all . good bye
Liza : good bye

I-choose the answer that best completes the sentences :
1)Liza is
a)Mrs Rosetti daughter b)Ricardo's sister c)Helena's colleague
2)Helena will go to the airport
a)before 6 p.m b)at 6 p.m c)after 6 p.m
3)Liza wants to leave a message because
a)she is going to the hairdresser's b)Mrs Rosetti gets angry c)Helena and Ricardo can't speak
4)Liza invites Helena and Ricardo to
a)her birthday party b)a school part c)grandparent's party
II-what do the following words refer to :
she them it
him my
III-answer the following questions :
1-could Liza speak to Helena ? why ?
2-could Liza leave a message ?
3-what was the message that Liza left ?
IV-find in the text synonyms to
not free= , to return=
section two : mastery of the language
I-rewrite sentence -b- so that it means the same as (a) :
1-a)father saves money . he wants to buy a car
b)father ........................................................
2-a)John is more intelligent than Peter
b)Peter is ..........................................
3-a)i read my messages silently , i want not to disturb internauts
b)i read .....................................................................................
II-reorderthe following words to get a coherent sentence
1-the morning - have - usually - i - a - shower - in
2-please - speak - ? - less - would - quickly - you
s.past past participle
IV-ask the question that the underlined words answer
Liza always organizes her birthday party at her grandparent's home
V-classify the following words according to the stressed syllable
party - consist - airport - sorry
section three : written expresion
Fill in the gaps with the following words : manners - more -
but - e-mail - netiquette - less - most - its - in order to - e-mailers -
E-mail is one of the ............... important modern
forms of communication . E-mail messages travel fast and securely
........... these messages ............ not personal . Some e-mail users
don't watch their .......... at all when they communicate through
.............. these manners consist of a code of conduct which
............ call netiquette ......... sets the correct form for
professional e correspondence ............... purpose it to make
e-mailing less rude and more enjoyable .
the correction of the exam
section one : reading comprehension
1)Liza is
a)Mrs Rosetti daughter b)Ricardo's sister c)Helena's colleague
2)Helena will go to the airport
a)before 6 p.m b)at 6 p.m c)after 6 p.m
3)Liza wants to leave a message because
a)she is going to the hairdresser's b)Mrs Rosetti gets angry c)Helena and Ricardo can't speak
4)Liza invites Helena and Ricardo to
a)her birthday party b)a school part c)grandparent's party
she:Helena them:Ricardo and Helena it:birthday him:Ricardo my:Liza
1-no,she couldn't . Helena wasn't at home 1
2-yes , she could 0.5
3-Liza invited them to her birthday party 1
not free=busy , to return=to come back
section two : mastery of the language
1-a)father saves money . he wants to buy a car
b)father saves money in order to buy a car
2-a)John is more intelligent than Peter
b)Peter is less intelligent than John
3-a)i read my messages silently , i want not to disturb internauts
b)i read my messages silently not to disturb internauts
1-i have usually a shower in the morning
2-would you speak less quickly , please ?
s.past past participle

went gone

had had
Liza always organizes her birthday party at her grandparent's home
-how often does Liza organize her birthday ?
-what does Liza organize ?
-where does Liza organize her party ?
party(1st) - consist(2nd) - airport(1st) - sorry(1st)
section three : written expresion 4 points
E-mail is one of the most important modern forms of
communication . E-mail messages travel fast and securely but these
messages are not personal . Some e-mail users don't watch their manners
at all when they communicate through e-mail these manners consist of a
code of conduct which e-mailers call netiquette . netiquette sets the
correct form for professional e correspondence its purpose it to make
e-mailing less rude and more enjoyable .
 أسرعو &&exampl of the first english exam 75818

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