Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017


 Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017

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مُساهمةموضوع: Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017   Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017 Empty2017-02-13, 16:00

Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017

Valentine Day SMS 2017

Here we comes to the special day, i.e. Valentine Day, Show your love to your partner, spend time with them. Eat, Drink – do whatever you want to do to make them happy. Make this special day a memorable moment of your life. Express your by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards.

*** I am not happy person because of my love,

I am happy person coz I’m in love with you &

You are my Valentine!

Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017 Valentine-Day-SMS

*** Colours may fade, the sun may not shine, 

the moon may not be bright, heart-beats may stop, 

lives may pass but our friendship, 

I will treasure 'till the day my heart stops. 

*** Have I told you recently

that I love you

well, jst in case I didn't

2day I want to say it

0ver and over, and over again

I love you on this Valentine’s Day.

اقتباس :
 I Love You For Not
What You Are
But What I Become
When I Am There With You.
SO Be With Me Forever....
اقتباس :
 I Think About You All The Time
Will You Be Mine Forever?
I Must Say I Adore You I Can
Not Live My Life Without You.
It Would Be Long &
Dreary.  Happy Propose Day darling …

اقتباس :
 Life Counts All D Roads V Travel
Sum R Smooth
Sum R Ruf
Sum I Wud Rather 4get

اقتباس :
 'I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.
Be with me forever.'
اقتباس :
 Boy: Would You Mind Sharing Your Address With Me
Girl: Why
Boy:Because That Is Where I Would Take My Marriage Vows One Day...

اقتباس :
 Happy Propose Day English, hindi sms
The First Time I Saw You, I
Noticed My Heart Beat Faster
& the Situation Is Same
For Now Maybe I’m In Love
With You  Happy Propose Day my bae …

اقتباس :
 I am opening an emotional bank account for u sweetheart
So deposit your love in it and you will get the interest.
Happy Propose Day babe.

اقتباس :
 Grow Old Along With Me;
The Best Is Yet To Be.
Will You Spend The Rest
Of Your Life With Me?
Happy Propose Day Love .
We have the best collection of the  Happy Propose day 2017 SMS and Messages  for him and her, we hope that you did like our work on the  Propose day . The only way you can appreciate our work is by sharing it with your friends and family using Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and obviously WhatsApp.

اقتباس :
 I have Spent Many Sleepless Nights,
In Your Love And i don’t want,
My Son to Do same 4 Your Daughter,
So lets make them Brother And Sister …
“ Happy Propose Day baby "

It’s not like you should propose her/him on the propose day only, If you know that he/she feels the same about you then you can also propose on any special occasions like his/her birthday, big achievement or her/his parent’s anniversary and before proposing make sure that he/she feels the same about you else you will ruin their beautiful moment and it can ruin your friendship too.

Being in the relationship is far sweeter than the being in just friendship. Take this chance and take the risk to propose her/him and take your life to the very next level of the love and happiness with the help of our best collection of happy propose day 2017 SMS Messages for him and her. 

Happy Propose Day SMS For Him

اقتباس :
 Word Have Not Enough Strength
To Express My Love Towards
You. My Eyes Are Enough To Express
It!  Happy Propose Day Dear !

اقتباس :
 I can’t imagine a life without you in it,
I want to grow old with you,
Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.

اقتباس :
 As Days Go By
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in your arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & you'll see that it's true,
Day & Night my thought r for U..
Happy Propose Day my heart

اقتباس :
 I wish I was one of your tears,
so I could be born in your eye,
run down your cheek,
and die on your lips.
Don’t just scroll down at the end of the list of this collection of  Happy Propose day SMS and Messages because these are the most valuable SMS and Messages we have collected specially for you to win him/her.

Take this opportunity to make her/him feel special on this  Propose Day  and let him/her know how much you care for him/her and  express your love  because love is one of the things which you can’t see, you can feel it.
اقتباس :
 The Minute I Heard My First Love
Story, I Started Looking For
You, Not Knowing How Blind That
Was. Lovers Don’t Finally Meet
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Happy Valentines Day Messages And SMS 2017
استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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